Information for ID Verifiers

What do I need to do?

Once an applicant has completed and submitted their online form, an email is sent to you instructing you to check and verify the applicant's identity documents.

When the applicant presents the documents you should login to their application and check the name, date of birth and address stated on the application against the identity documents provided.

Record details on the system of the documents verified.

Step by step procedures are provided in the User Guide.

For organisations which have opted to use the Digital Identity module there is an additional user guide explaining how the process differs.

By when do I need to verify the applicant's identity?

Ideally as soon as the applicant has completed the online application, they will contact you to arrange a time to bring their identity documents for verification. This should be completed as soon as possible within five days from the time they submitted their online form.

What evidence does an applicant need to verify their identity?

The documents that an applicant needs to provide to verify their identity will depend on their nationality and how long they have resided in the UK.

You should always try to verify an applicant's identity using documents from Route One. If you need to go to Route Two you will be required to submit the applicant's details for an external validation check - which incurs an additional charge.

See Hackney Education's Documentary Evidence Sheet for details of the verification process and list of valid identity documents.

There is also guidance on the DBS website.

What if the applicant can't prove identity using one of the three routes?

Applicants who are unable to provide the required documents will then be asked to give their consent to have their fingerprints taken in line with the current procedure. You should be aware that this will require attendance by the applicant at a Police Station at an appointed time, and may add delay to the overall application process.

What if I become aware of a delay in the process?

Email reminders will be sent to you if the applicant does not submit their application or their identity is not verified within the system deadlines.

If you become aware of a valid delay in the process (sickness, holiday, etc.) you can ask the Administrator to move the application to 'Holding' status. This will stop the automatic emails being sent.


Hackney Disclosure and Barring Service Team

020 8820 7301