
The Childminding Team aims to make sure children receive the highest quality care in childminding settings in Hackney. We provide information, support, and training to all registered childminders in Hackney.


A range of information and resources are available to support you in your role as a childminder. These include safeguarding requirements, policies and course materials. The resources are accessed using a username and password. If you do not have the login details please contact

Latest news

Changes to the new EYFS 

The revised EYFS Framework became effective from November 2024. A range of resources can be found on our EYFS reforms page.

My Portrait - two year progress check

The revised My Portrait guide and blank copy can be found in the learning and development resources. These now meet the new requirements of the EYFS. Please ensure that you use this version for all of your checks, and that they are written with contributions from parents and signed by your Co-ordinator. Any queries, please ask your Co-ordinator.

Are your details up to date?

We regularly update our directory of Hackney Childminders. If you need any corrections made to your details please contact the Family Information Service team on 020 8820 7590 or


Childminding Team

Elizabeth Havard, Childminding Development Coordinator

0770 4660 150

Grace Opon, Central and East Hackney Network Coordinator

07810 856 321

Hilary Wilgress, South Hackney Network Coordinator

07768 348 360

Mumtaz Hakim, North Hackney Network Coordinator

07768 424 023