Products: Governance services


Professional clerking, strategic advice and high quality training

Governance is becoming more complex, requiring greater accountability of educational, operational and financial performance and management of key risks. With extensive experience of school leadership and governance, our team offers reliable and trusted guidance and support. 

We also offer specialist support in managing exclusions and complaints panel hearings.

    Governance support

    Product Product code Price (excl. VAT)
    Governance advice and support package 04/GOV/001 £1,045.00
    Governance Bespoke Support 04/GOV/026 £POA
    Governance Support and Clerking Package 13+ meetings 04/GOV/029 £380.00
    Governance Support and Clerking Package 1-5 meetings 04/GOV/027 £420.00
    Governance Support and Clerking Package 6-12 meetings 04/GOV/028 £400.00
    Governor Hub and NGA Subscription 30/GOV/030 £585.00
    Specialised clerking services 04/GOV/009 £POA

    Governance training

    Product Product code Price (excl. VAT)
    Bespoke governance training 04/GOV/013 £POA