Products: Post 16 education


Improving quality in teaching and learning at Key Stage 5

We offer a range of post-16 services customised to meet the needs of school sixth forms and colleges. Our services are designed to improve teaching and learning in academic and vocational subjects, including GCSE re-sit English and maths, and improve the quality of leadership and management.

Provided alongside our teaching and management support are a series of networking events and moderation services that enable schools to keep up-to date with current issues and develop effective strategies to improve results and standards.

Post 16 education

Product Product code Price (excl. VAT)
AS/A Level revision classes 24/CPD/019 £POA
Post 16 moderation 24/CPD/020 £217.00
Post 16 teaching and learning support 11/TAL/060 £570.00
Sixth form leadership and management support 10/LAM/019 £718.00