Online Disclosure and Barring Service

Using our online DBS service

The Hackney Education online DBS system and our dedicated DBS professionals help employers to make safer recruitment decisions. We have extensive experience of the DBS process and have operated as a registered Umbrella Body with the DBS since the introduction of CRB checks in 2002, processing disclosure applications for Hackney schools, Hackney Education and many other organisations.

The information, links and resources provided on this page are for current users of our DBS service. You can visit our DBS product page, contact us on 020 8820 7301 or email to get started.

Using our DBS-approved system is easy. Just follow our simple three-step process: set up – apply – verify.

1. Set up: You create the account online for the applicant; we will e-mail them details of how to apply. 

2. Apply: The applicant completes the simple, easy-to-follow online DBS Disclosure Applicant Form – we’ll send a confirmation that the form has been submitted. Automatic checks prevent the form from being submitted if it’s incomplete or contains errors, saving time and frustration.

3. Verify: The applicant presents their ID documents to the verifier, who checks and confirms their identity online. 

The form is automatically sent electronically to the DBS for processing and you will receive immediate notification once the check is complete.


Hackney Disclosure and Barring Service Team

020 8820 7301