Destination Reader online resources

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Introducing Destination Reader to your school will transform your KS2 reading provision

Destination Reader is a pedagogical based approach to teaching reading through engaging daily, structured sessions that support children to read with greater understanding, enjoyment and purpose. The training covers:

  • Building a whole school reading ethos
  • Progression and assessment of reading strategies
  • Interactive lessons with clear modelling and discussion to develop comprehension
  • Learning behaviours to ensure supportive and purposeful partner talk
  • Teaching and modelling of written comprehension strategies to build active readers who can interpret questions

As an approach to reading, Destination Reader complements your individual school's curriculum and selection of high quality texts.

Access to the resources for subscribed schools

If your school subscribes to Destination Reader, you can login to access our resources. This gives you instant access to the Destination Reader booklet, key documents and guidance, as well as INSET resources. If you have any questions about your subscription please contact

Not yet part of the Destination Reader family?

Find out why over 200 schools are using Destination Reader in KS2. Email for information or to book a space on our termly open sessions.

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Destination Reader Team

020 8820 7607