As a registered Umbrella Body for the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) we can process DBS checks on behalf of your business or organisation.
Our aim is to make things as easy as possible for you through our efficient and simple to use online service which eliminates all unwieldy paper to ensure a faster, safer process that will save you time and money.
Standard checks are £21.50 and enhanced checks are £49.50, plus administration fees from £10 for schools/organisations (excluding VAT) and for individuals, the admin fee is £33 (plus vat).
Email or call 020 8820 7301 to discuss your requirements.
We are also able to offer a DBS service to self-employed individuals, depending on the nature of the work and where you are based.
Product details
Our fast and friendly service will enable you to obtain DBS checks and renewals for all your staff and volunteers simply by following our three-step online process – set up, apply, verify.
There are no paper application forms to complete, and our online form is automatically validated, meaning errors and returned forms are a thing of the past. Our DBS experts will train your staff to use the system, verify the identity of your applicants, check and countersign all applications, and then send them electronically to the DBS. Applications are automatically tracked and e-mail reminders are sent at each stage, with notification coming direct from the DBS when checks are complete. We even provide free HR advice on your application outcomes.
And statistics show that the majority our results come back from the DBS within two days!
Email or call 020 8820 7301 to discuss your requirements.
"Having used the online DBS system for a couple for years now, I don’t know how we coped without it! Very easy to navigate upon entering a new application all the way through to monitoring until clearance is received. The DBS support team at [Hackney Education] is also great and quickly respond with any queries you may have."
Stacey Wright, Cardinal Pole Catholic School
"The new online DBS system has made my job a lot easier and has reduced the amount of administrative work required. The system is simple and easy to use. I’m hugely impressed with how quick the process is now. Where it would take weeks before now you receive back the disclosure information in a couple of days. It saves on the stress of worrying about waiting on the clearance before making the decision to hire a candidate. Would strongly recommend."
Claire Wood, St Mary’s C of E Primary School