It's fun to listen to and make music. Some music is sad, other music sounds happy and makes you want to dance.
We have organised the musical opportunities by age range. We link to school/setting specific resources where possible.
Early years (age 0-5)
- Hackney Music Service - music education provider
- Hackney Schools and Music Festival - annual event for Hackney children
- A New Direction - opportunities to develop creativity
- BBC Ten Pieces - lessons and resources to introduce younger children to classical pieces
- London Rhymes - creates original music
- London Symphony Orchestra - activities for under 5s
- One Drum - workshops with African master drummers, dancers, musicians and performers
- Sound Connections - early years resources
- Wigmore Hall - concerts for early years
- Yaram Arts - West African learning and participation programme
Enhanced offer for children with SEND
- Amber Trust - musical opportunities for blind and partially sighted children
- HMDT - sensory play and music
- Live Music Now - inclusive music opportunities
- Sounds of Intent - musical development for all
Key Stage 1 (age 5 to 7)
- Hackney Music Service - music education provider
- Hackney Schools and Music Festival - annual event for Hackney children
- Carnival Music Project - 10 week project about carnival music
- Barbican Creative Learning - school wide approach to creativity
- Hackney Empire - music venue in Hackney Central
- Live Music Now - inclusive music opportunities
- London Symphony Orchestra
- One Drum - workshops with African master drummers, dancers, musicians and performers
- Pantonic Steel Orchestra - steel band
- VOCES8 Foundation - vocal programmes, often fully funded (register with Hackney Music Service)
- West African Drumming & Dance Termly Residency - whole class workshops
- Wigmore Hall - school concerts
- Yaram Arts - West African learning and participation programme
Enhanced offer for children with SEND
- Amber Trust - musical opportunities for blind and partially sighted children
- HMDT - sensory play and music
- Live Music Now - inclusive music opportunities
- Sounds of Intent - musical development for all
Key Stage 2 (age 7 to 11) and upwards
- Hackney Music Service - music education provider for Hackney schools
- Hackney Borough Youth Choir - singers from across Hackney
- Hackney Schools and Music Festival - annual event for Hackney children
- Hackney Lift Off Ensemble - beginner ensemble for any instrument
- Hackney Training Orchestra - intermediate ensemble
- Dimensions London - opportunities for schools to receive fully-funded workshops (via Hackney Music Service)
- Apollo Music Projects - live classic music in the classroom
- Barbican Creative Learning - school wide approach to creativity
- BBC at Eastbank - school programmes and concerts
- BBC Ten Pieces - resources for classical pieces of music
- Classical Meets Jazz Diversity & Inclusion Ensemble - diversity and inclusion ensemble
- Carnival Music Project - 10 week project about carnival music
- Classical Roadshow - shows linked to curriculum
- Decus Ensemble - promote less well known composers including the music of Black Caribbean and African composers (register with Hackney Music Service)
- Girls Rock London - music programmes
- Live Music Now - inclusive music opportunities
- London Symphony Orchestra - resources and concerts for schools
- One Drum - workshops with African master drummers, dancers, musicians and performers
- Pantonic Steel Orchestra - steel band
- Sound Connections - resources for schools
- VOCES8 Foundation - vocal programmes, often fully funded (register with Hackney Music Service)
- West African Drumming & Dance Termly Residency - whole class workshops
- Wigmore Hall - school concerts
- Yaram Arts - West African learning and participation programme
Enhanced offer for children with SEND
- Amber Trust - musical opportunities for blind and partially sighted children
- Create and Sing - music resources for the SEND classroom
- HMDT - sensory play and music
- Live Music Now - inclusive music opportunities
- Sounds of Intent - musical development for all