Supporting and developing reading moderation for KS1 and KS2
Would you benefit from a greater level of confidence that teacher assessment internal judgements in reading are secure and accurate? Would you like more of a triangulation in assessment and for judgements to be based on more than just a summative written comprehension? Our reading moderation package can help.
Designed and used in primary schools to build knowledge and accuracy of judgments in reading attainment and progress, our reading moderation package will support the understanding of listening to children read and assessing reading in all areas of the National Curriculum.
You will get the perfect framework to assess reading and understanding through listening to children read, including discussion and feedback on age appropriate texts. The assessment task is designed to provide teachers from Y1 to Y6 with a common task so that they can share their understanding of reading attainment and progress.
The package supports existing reading assessment within your school. It develops a secure understanding of reading with a library of engaging video demonstrations and examples of next steps and further evidence which enables you to deliver effective and accurate reading moderation from Y1 to Y6 with confidence.
What's included?
The KS1 and KS2 Reading Moderation package includes:
- A reading extract and task for each year group (Y1-Y6) based around an age appropriate text. This includes a full range of discussion prompts and questions designed to assess all areas of reading comprehension and develop knowledge of children’s reading identity
- A full set of example videos for every year group of children reading and answering questions related to an age appropriate text. The videos show the child discussing their identity as a reader, reading aloud and discussing understanding. These are used to benchmark your own assessment
- An edited version of the reading task with annotated answers for each example child, along with an overview of strengths and development steps
- Examples of additional evidence of a child’s reading progress and achievement
- Guidance on implementing the package and using the materials
Bespoke support
We also deliver bespoke training packages tailored for your school/LA that work alongside our moderation resources. Our bespoke training helps build knowledge and accuracy of judgments.
We will work with you to provide your teachers with the knowledge and skillset needed to provide effective moderation in your school. Please contact us to find out how we can help you.
Why you should choose us
Feedback from schools across the country using the materials have identified an increase in teacher confidence in assessing reading, consistency in judgement and a deeper understanding of the complexities of reading.
These innovative materials were developed in Hackney by teachers for teachers. They were originally used to deliver borough wide reading moderation to ensure that there was a cross borough moderation standard and expectation around reading.
If you want to empower your school and develop an expertise around reading assessment, get in touch today.
Our moderation package has been used by trusts and local authorities to ensure a trust/borough wide approach is implemented within their schools. Our specialist teachers can provide bespoke support in purchases made by trusts and local authorities.