Our consultants are expert in quickly building relationships with and listening to schools. They work flexibly and take an evidence-informed approach to identifying and then meeting your needs. We can co-produce school improvement activities including external validation of your self-evaluation, supported action planning and preparation for Ofsted inspections with a particular focus on curriculum leadership.
Support is always tailored. This can be geared to different leadership groups – senior, curriculum, subject and pastoral, governors and teaching staff. Equally, depending on your priorities, this can be focused onto specific objectives and themes.
Product details
We can deliver support including bespoke workshops, briefings and short programmes on developing leadership of teaching and learning and the quality of education in the following subjects:
English/whole school literacy - We have developed strategies and frameworks for enhancing English and whole school literacy provision and implementing exciting strategies for teaching, reading, writing, speaking and listening to students of all abilities.
Mathematics - Support to plan outstanding maths lessons, develop higher order thinking skills, and improve student’s problem solving and questioning skills.
Science - A range of support for new science teachers and science leaders to boost professional expertise, inspire the teaching of science with confidence and develop networks for on-going peer support. We help teachers to improve science lessons, undertake linear assessment, make marking more manageable and develop their science repertoire.
Computing - Our support helps develop your computing teachers to deliver outstanding computing pedagogy at all levels. We are able to offer staff and student training sessions delivered by tutors and industry experts.
PSHCE - Bespoke support to ensure whole-school demonstration, monitoring and support of SMSC development, the inclusion of British values and adherence to the Prevent Agenda.
Languages - Support to plan, monitor and assess language provision, promote cross school and cross sector partnerships and raise standards at KS3 and 4.
Religious education - Bespoke support for heads of department in all areas of teaching and learning, including curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, good practice and SACRE guidance.
Day rate of £570
“Our review carried out by [Hackney Education] has significantly informed our direction. The review was carried out with an appropriate balance of challenge and support and we all appreciated the significant expertise of the team. We look forward to continuing our work with [Hackney Education].”
Jan Shapiro, Headteacher, Addey and Stanhope School, Lewisham
Secondary Teaching and Learning
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