Coordinated admissions (secondary transfer and reception)
Applications to start Reception and Year 7 in the following academic year open on 1 September every year. The statutory closing date is 31 October for secondary transfer and 15 January for reception application. Late applications are accepted until July.
Information about the process including how to apply is available in the leaflets and on the admissions website. All London families must apply using the same system.
Secondary transfer and reception leaflets for 2024:
In year admissions
Applications to start a new Hackney school during the current academic year can be submitted via the online In Year application form at any point.
Information about the In Year process including how to apply and what is required to process an application is available on the admissions website.
Applications are processed in line with a two weekly cycle. Schools will be asked to rank new applicants on the Monday following the closing date.
Pupil benefits - Free School Meals
The Pupil Benefits team manages applications submitted for Free School Meals (FSM) to Hackney schools. Information about the process including how to apply is available on the Hackney Education FSM web page.
The majority of parents are expected to submit an online FSM application. However, there are other forms that are available to use in certain circumstances. Please read the FSM FAQs for schools guide that provides an overview of the process.
Pupil benefits - school travel
(mainstream schools only)
All Hackney children are entitled to free bus travel therefore requests for alternative modes of travel are received infrequently. However, there are cases that can be submitted and will be considered by the Pupil Benefits team in line with the policy.
The travel policy and how to apply is available on the Hackney Education school travel web page.
Pupil benefits - uniform grants
Hackney children starting or attending a school in Year 7 may be entitled to a uniform grant if their family is in receipt of certain benefits. This is only open to children living in Hackney, however they can be attending any school.
Information about the eligibility criteria and how to apply is available on the Hackney Education uniform grants web page.
School Access Module (SAM)
SAM is part of the Synergy package used by teams across Hackney Education. It provides schools with live, real-time information on admissions (coordinated and In Year) and Free School Meals (FSM) which is securely shared.
Every Hackney school has a shared username and password which is used by all staff who require access to SAM. Your school administrator should have access to the login details. Email to request a password reset if it is lost due to staff leaving.