Dead Poets Live

Sponsored by the T.S Eliot Foundation, Dead Poets Live has produced captivating 'shows' about poets and poems on the London stage since 2017. Now, they're extending their reach to state secondary schools, focusing on KS3.

Recognising declining interest in humanities at A Level, they aim to address a gap in the perception of poetry. Their visits present poetry as vibrant self-expression, particularly in Hackney, a borough rich in spoken word traditions. Targeting KS3 allows timely intervention before curriculum demands take over.

Their lesson-length shows are interactive and fun, featuring young local actors who recently graduated from drama school. The company's school visits have been successful, with every school inviting them back. 

For more information, take a look at their flyer as well as their website

If you would like your school to be one of those visited by the company, or have any further questions, please email