London North East Maths Hub (LNEMH)

Hackney’s long standing commitment to mastering maths and teaching is encompassed by the dedicated work of the Maths Hub Programme. At the London North East Maths Hub, they aim to ensure that all pupils, teachers and leaders have access to support, training and innovation that will improve the enjoyment and achievement of mathematics from early years to post-16. 

All projects are funded by the Maths Hub programme so are free to all schools.

Early years and primary 

Teaching for Mastery

Maths Hubs support schools at every stage of introducing and embedding a teaching for mastery approach. Mastering maths means pupils acquiring a deep long term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject.

Schools joining the programme must have 2 possible entry points:

  • Mastery Readiness
  • Teaching for Mastery Development

Join Readiness for an extra year of support that enhances your programme. Benefit from five tailored school visits, ensuring individualised assistance. Limited slots are available due to the intensity of the programme. Readiness leads seamlessly to Development next year. While Readiness doesn't offer a participation grant, it's fully funded and accessible.

Your commitment:

  • Two named teachers (including the maths lead) freed for 5 workshops and 5 school visits
  • Headteacher availability during school visits.
  • Headteacher attendance at first workshop

Step into Development:

Master teaching for mastery through shared lesson studies. Development, the second programme phase, offers a £1000 grant upon full participation.

Your commitment:

  • Two named teachers (including the maths lead) released for 6 workshops and 3 school visits
  • Head Teacher availability during school visits

Find out more about the early years and primary programmes


Development Work Groups

Equip your secondary maths department with teaching for mastery. Nominate two 'Mastery Advocates' for a locally-based Work Group. Collaborate with local teachers, guided by a Local Leader of Maths Education (LLME), and instil confident maths students prepared for GCSE and A level success.

Who can participate?

Open to state-funded secondary schools in England. Mastery Advocates, endorsed by Head of Maths and Headteacher/SLT, lead developmental efforts.


  • Deep, secure maths understanding for students 
  • Begin integrating mastery approaches in your classroom 
  • Departmental grasp of secondary teaching for mastery principles 
  • Support peers in adopting mastery practices 
  • £2000 participation grant

Find out more about the secondary programme

Other opportunities

For more information on the other professional development opportunities available, please visit their website