Thank you to everyone who took part in our 2021 Hackney Poets of the Future Competition. We were amazed by the responses we received and the judges loved reading the children's poems and admiring how they had been decorated. Everyone should be very proud.
We are delighted to share the winning entries with you. Click on the images of the poems below to open and read them.
We hope you enjoy reading them as much as we did. Read all of the entries in our Belonging in Hackney poetry anthology
Highly commended
- Playground at School by Greta, Our lady and St Joseph's Primary School
- This is Home by Sophie W, William Patten Primary School
- Hackney Parks by Ayesha A, The Olive Primary School
- Just Things in Hackney by Maya M, Daubney Primary School
- Hackney Marshes by Mercedes M, St Dominics Primary School
- My Old House by Iffah, Betty Layward Primary School
- Hackney is a Hopeful Happy Home by Avon I, Harrington Hill Primary School