Whole School SEND

Whole School SEND is a consortium of charities, schools and organisations. It is committed to helping children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) or learning differences reach their full potential.

They have created a suite of SEND review guides to support school to school support and self-reflection.

Hosted by Nasen, this group leads Universal SEND Services with partners Education and Training Foundation (ETF) and Autism Education Trust (AET). 

Universal SEND Services programme

The Universal SEND Services, funded by DfE, operates from 2022 to 2025. It unites school and Further Education (FE) support for SEND learners from an early stage through to adulthood, ensuring a seamless transition to employment. 

The programme strives for inclusive education by:

  • Prioritising SEND in improvement plans, recognising it as everyone's responsibility
  • Integrating SEND into policies, rather than as an afterthought
  • Considering preparation for adulthood in curriculum design
  • Cultivating reflective teachers to address diverse needs
  • Enhancing early identification and effective teaching adaptation
  • Valuing parent expertise and learner input for a truly co-produced educational experience

Support available 

Online CPD Units

  • 20 asynchronous units to support schools and FE workforce
  • Target audience: teachers, tutors

Live contextualising sessions

  • Online units will be supported by live, online sessions to enable delegates to contextualise the learning
  • Facilitated / led by RSLs / DRSLs, rolling programme across 3 years

Responsive Webinars

  • One per quarter
  • To respond to the needs and priorities in the sector