Framework for promoting social and emotional wellbeing

What works - framework of effective approaches

The diagram on page 4 of Framework for promoting wellbeing and responding to mental health in schools (Weare, 2015) shows a framework for promoting the social and emotional wellbeing of the whole school community.

Measuring wellbeing

Schools may wish to measure the well-being of staff and students at particular points and could construct a simple survey or use one of the many that are published for this purpose. In addition, schools will have a range of ways of identifying students who require more targeted or specialist interventions and can refer to Risk and Resilience Factors (Young Minds). This will be part of a graduated approach.

Where there are concerns, schools may wish to use a standardised instrument such as the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) which has versions for the student, staff and parents to complete. It is important to evaluate any interventions that are put in place. Ideally through a pre and post measure. These are sometimes part of published programmes. Agencies such as the Educational Psychology Service or CAMHS can advise about appropriate measures to use.